Monday, March 3, 2008

Is There a Black Dr. Evil?

I must have missed this article by Eugene Robinson last Tuesday...

It's an interesting thought: Black politicians spending a summer at a genius boot camp to develop ideas of world domination.

While he's obviously poking fun at Geraldo Rivera, it did get me thinking. I'll tell you what: I'll sign up for the camp this summer, and report back to base camp (A.K.A. I have to Google the location, but I'm sure it's nowhere near Camp David or Crawford, TX...


E.Michael Liu said...

thank you for your comment on my page, but i must respectfully disagree with you, i am black and my friends do make comments about why i am supporting a white peson over a black person, and frankly that should not be the issue, the issue should be who is best capable of running the affairs of this country, and in my best opinion its not Obama.

Stella by Starlight said...

Nicely put, emmanuel. I'm a woman not supporting Clinton. Like you, I believe the best candidate should run the country. However, I will support either candidate over McBush.