Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Barack Obama Hater: Geraldine Ferraro

Those Clintonistas are at it again: hating.

Wow, Geraldine Ferraro, way to go! You have officially completed your membership application to the Barack Obama Hater's Club. If you haven't heard (and are too lazy to read the article in the link provided aboce), Geraldine Ferraro ( a Hillary Clinton supporter and the first woman to run on a U.S. presidential ticket--- she ran for VP in 1984) said the following:

"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Wow. So if Obama was white, he wouldn't be a serious presidential contender? What race is John McCain again? And isn't Obama in the same position as Hillary, who allegedly is a woman? I would like an Obama supporter to come out and say what is in the minds of most Americans: "If Hillary hadn't been married to the president, she would not be in this position."

It's funny that Hillary supporters keep saying that Obama is playing the race card, when they are the ones, in fact, constantly commenting on his race. Hillary is a real jerk for pretending that she is mildly offended by these comments. I don't believe her one bit.

Check out this video, thanks to Bloggers for Obama. It's Keith Olbermann's response to Ferraro's statements and Hillary's response.

1 comment:

TomCat said...

I decided to remain officially neutral until I vote in my primary in May, in the hope that I might remain a voice for reason and unity. Nevertheless, I also posted this video this morning, because I find myself deeply disturbed by the tactics from the Clinton camp of late.