Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bush Says Someone Else's Argument Doesn't Make Sense?

The "Oh Hell No" of the Week

In a shocking twist of irony, Dubya scolded Congress, while simultaneously defending his Iraq occupation.

From the AP article posted almost 20 minutes ago:

Bush derided calls from Congress for troop withdrawals or deadlines so that the military could focus more on the anti-terror battle elsewhere. "This argument makes no sense," he said.

Wow. Bush is saying that someone else's argument doesn't make sense? How about the argument that got us there in the first place? Why would anyone want to focus their attention elsewhere? What is Bush thinking, you may ask? I'll tell you what: "Forget about anti-terror battles. Forget about the thousands of dead American men and women. Heck, forget about the economy. You're all stupid, and I am The Decider." According to Dick and John, everything is as peaceful in Iraq as Hillary's trip to Bosnia. Little girls are reading poetry and handing out flowers, while Sinbad tells jokes and Sheryl Crow sings "All I Want to Do is Have Some Fun."

I can't wait to wake up from this nightmare...


Utah Savage said...

You are one of the smartest, wickedly wry young women I have had the pleasure to read. So glad to get to know you through your posts. I hope you stop by my place often. We are currently having a discussion on the legalizing of prostitution and the men seem to chicken- shit to take part.

Stella by Starlight said...

Dick and John. Heh-heh. I had a Beavis and Butthead moment. Busheney can't engage in rhetorical discussion to save his life, and he's got the temerity to talk about "this argument makes no sense"? Hell, the past eight years make no sense.

Yeah, Utah (as always) is dead on. Your posts are always great BYF. Sometimes it feels like I'm meandering through Orwell's dystopia in 1984.

Stella by Starlight said...
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