Thursday, March 6, 2008

No, Floridians and Michiganders, You May NOT Take a Mulligan!

Who do these people think they are? If ya' hadn't jumped the gun, you wouldn't have put yourself in this spot...

I think it's funny that Floridians and Michiganders think they get to take a Mulligan in the primaries. I mean, really. They never should have broken the rules to begin with! What was the real purpose of them holding their primaries early anyway, knowing that it would have little to no real impact on the elections? I mean, Hillary won Florida, but she didn't win any delegates. Continuing my sports theme, I would say that it was a wash. Michigan sucked too, considering only Clinton, Gravel, and Kucinich were on the ballot (though Obama urged many Michiganders to vote "uncommitted" instead of voting for any of the aforementioned candidates).

More general sentiments on this year's election process to follow...


E.Michael Liu said...

are you saying millions of people who cast ther vote should not be counted? i don't think that will be in the interest of the democratic party.

Vigilante said...

I think Manny has a point. (Not being a golfer.) There could be a redo, or no go. Have a primary in both states. Get Soros to finance it. Have it the same week as Pennsylvania's. Let's get it over with.

Big Yellow Forehead said...

I'm not saying that their votes should not be counted, but I am saying that it seems a bit unfair that they broke the rules by voting early in the first place. If the results are different, how do you think people are going to react?

TomCat said...

BigYF, actually Florida and Michigan are different situations. In Michigan, it was the Democratic party leaders that, jealous of Iowa, moved the date of their primary before 2/5 and refused to relent, even after the DC warned them of the outcome. In Florida it was the Republican legislature who moved the primary date over the objections of the local Democrats, so in Florida, the Dems are being punished because the Republicans broke the rules. I wish I had a solution that is fair to everyone, but this should at least make clear that we need national rules for primaries that are not controlled by the parties, so that voters are not disenfranchised by party political games.

Vigilante said...

Why not have these two states just mail ballots out with return postage attached?

TomCat said...

Vig, that might be an possibility for Michigan. In Florida, GOP Gov. Crist will prevent it. The Dems could not authenticate the signatures on their own, because Florida law forbids sharing the voter database of signatures.