Thursday, March 27, 2008

Forensic Analysts Say RFK Assassination Was Not a One Man Act

Watch this video. What do you think?


Utah Savage said...

I never believed the JFK was shot by a lone gunman, and I was always suspicious of RFK's assassination. But I'm an old lefty and most people buy what they're told by the experts at the time of an event like this, I do believe the case should be reopened, using the newest technologies available. Not a viewer of early morning news, I missed this.

TomCat said...

Great minds BigYF. I posted the YouTube version this morning. In a way, we are living in a time reminiscent of the 1960s, because grassroots people have banded together to oppose both an illegal and immoral war and criminal government intrusion into the rights and freedoms of our citizens. The three Ks (JFK, RFK and MLK). All three were assassinated, by so-called lone gunmen. It had been my belief for some time that the three were in fact all killed, because the military-industrial complex considered them a threat to their war-profiteering.

Utah Savage said...
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Utah Savage said...

Where have you gone BYF? I miss you. On vacation? Got a real life? What the hell.

Kentucky Rain said...

Sorry but RFK was killed by a lone gunman. There have been almost as many conspiracy theories surrounding his tragic death as there have been for his brother. There was one assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, that was it. Any claim to the contrary is like the old "we didn't really land on the moon" theory. [you all know we did of course] You did know that right? Of course you did! I love blogging!