Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pope Sippin' on Sizzurp Before St. Patty's Day Celebrations Even Began?

Well, he'd have to have been sippin' on SOMETHING...

Top-O'-The-Mornin' To Ya! The Nazi Pope has struck again! I read this story about the Pope that is just... well, wrong.

Condoms don't work, Pope? Really? I really don't understand many religious conservatives. It's one thing to advocate for something you don't believe in ("artificial contraception" in this case), but it's another thing to just ignore the facts. Hello! It's 2009, Pope. Do you really think people are going to stop having sex just because you said condoms don't work? Of course not! What's worse is that some of the people who listen to you who just happen to be having sex may stop using condoms because the Pope said they don't work. Clearly they're past the point of abstinence. Either that, or maybe they'll just stop listening to you in general. I don't know, but I do know that this story is flat out ridiculous...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Michael Steele Still an Embarrassment to All, Provides Quote of the Week

Question: Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?
Response provided by Future Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele: "Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice."
Congratulations, Michael Steele. You are officially on the RNC Sh-- List! (And continue to be an embarrassment to my beloved state...)
Read more about the ignoramus here!