Yes, we know he's old. REALLY old. But the Burger King?
After winning the GOP nomination, John McCain announced that in a few months, he may very well be the elected Burger King.
Despite the hard work of staffers, someone has yet to clarify to the Antediluvian Arizona Senator that he is in fact running for President. McCain was reported reported saying at a press conference:
"I may not know much of anything about the economy, but I do know that everyone should be able to make their value meal as big as they want without paying 49 cents extra!"
"In the McCain Burger Republic," the senile senator continued, "everyone WILL be able to have it their way!"
Campaign manager Terry Nelson quickly lured the senator off the stage with a cup of apple juice and some chocolate pudding, and could be heard whispering to McCain something about changing his Depends once they get off stage.
"The first step was allowing citizens of the Republic to choose between onion rings and French fries. The next step will be choosing between napkins and those lovely little bibs you get when you eat lobster," McCain shouted before disappearing from sight.
After Strom Thurmond, McCain is the second-oldest man to ever serve in the Senate at 98 years of age.
Is he older than Ralph Nader? (I just read somewhere that Nadir is younger.) If Hillary runs against McCain, naybe it will be a genteel campaign, like Bill Clinton said. Maybe it'll be like grand pa running against grand ma.
(I can say shit like that, because I have grand children. So, don't beat me up?)
I think McBush is older than Nader, but Gravel is older than both—and has far more energy and grit most people half his age.
Gravel 08 (oh well...)
Oh, yes, that's right. Gravel is 77.
With McConJob, you'd better make those 'freedom fries'.
Nader is 75 and McBush is 71. Both too old for president but ideally suited for Burger King.
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