Monday, December 15, 2008
Quote of the Week
Oh Hell Yes!
This site is absolutely splendiferous.
Here is a new story about it, in case you hadn't heard already.
Of course everyone HAS to see it again:
Friday, December 12, 2008
Planet in Peril: No Laughing Matter
Wow! What an eye-opener! What a wake-up call! I almost felt guilty for laughing for the entire hour before watching The Office and 30 Rock (NBC has the best Thursday night lineup). I remembered when I was done watching the latter that Planet in Peril was supposed to be coming on at 9. I wondered whether I missed it. Much to my pleasure, the show was still on. I'd missed the first hour, but what I watched for the rest of the program left me with tears in my eyes, pain in my heart, and the desire to watch more.
What I first saw was the segment on shark fins. Sharks are pretty sinister-looking creatures, but one can’t deny the curiosity (and terror) they invoke in humans. I learned about chumming, tourism in South Africa, and some of the policies surrounding this Chinese delicacy.

It was pretty disgusting, actually. They kill thousands and thousands of sharks, most of the bodies seem to be MIA, and all for soup? Sharks are incredible creatures, and are crucial to the oceanic food chain. I understand that this is a part of culture, but there should at least be stronger policies and restrictions on this sort of fishing.
On a lighter note, it was pretty amazing to watch Anderson Cooper go diving with the sharks sans cage! He’s so pale and scrawny, but MAN, he’s got some cojones. Just another reason I love Anderson Cooper! You can check out the photos here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wow! What a D-Blag!
I'm sure you've heard the story already. It's been all over newspapers and blogs all day. Blagojevich is up shit's creek without a paddle (or a nearby friendly turd burglar to help him navigate). D-Blag is in some SUUUURious trouble!

Just reading the many articles written about these scandals has led me to believe the man is supremely disturbed. Even the FBI agents investigating this and Operation Board Games were disturbed by what they saw and heard. I just don't get it. Don't these politicians ever learn? They always get caught! Sure, it might take some longer than others to get in trouble (See Ted Stevens), but they all get caught eventually. Thought you could get an innocent BJ in the Oval Office? Think again. An expensive fish sculpture that only someone with your artistic eye could appreciate? Maybe next time. Trying to sell a Senate seat is just asinine.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quote of the Week
-- A statement made by "President" Bush on World AIDS Day
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Nerve
It's amazingly insane. How often do we hear that Americans are spendthrifts? I mean, really. Let's think about this for a moment.
Money from the Failout Package has been handed out like condoms on a college campus to banks, et. al who are supposed to be using the money to help pull the country up by her bootstraps. This money was not given to the "Joe Six Packs" and Sally Dorights. And why not? Oh, because they'd probably spend all of the money on HDTVs to watch reality shows, iPods to listen to Soulja Boy and Britney Spears, or ridiculously gaudy jewelry. They're so wasteful. Don't give them any money.
Instead, let's give this money to banks to help them keep their Manchester United sponsorship. (Manchester United... Hmm... I don't believe that's an American sports team...)
Or how about those poor old American automakers. I mean, for heaven's sake. GM had to end their endorsement deal with Tiger Woods! Tiger freakin' Woods! Oh, I'm sorry. What was that? The CEO still has his corporate jet? Well, he did downsize...
Oh, and poor Citibank. They're so big. And so poor. And so... wasteful? Well, only if considering the sponsorship of the new Mets stadium is wasteful.
Look, people, I am not a gambler. If I don't want to gamble with my money, why would I want the Federal Government to?? They're passing out billions like the money is government cheese! Someone will take the cheese. They will be able to feed their families. Will they share with other families? Maybe. Maybe not. Probably not.
We need to start holding these banks and corporations accountable for their actions. Haven't we seen enough blank checks in the past eight years? I could think of countless ways to spend that bailout money, and sponsoring pro sports teams and owning ridiculously unneccessary luxury items such as JETS (I mean, they're an auto company. Couldn't they just drive places? Oh,right. Their cars are crap.) are not on my list. I mean, who do these people think they are? Sarah Palin?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Maryland and the Death Penalty
This article in The Baltimore Sun today reignited an old flame of mine: Debating capital punishment... Please allow me to stand on my soapbox today...
It saddens me to even think about the notion that I am living in a country that still practices this inhumane form of punishment.
Upon a preliminary search of recent capital punishment cases on Wikipedia, I discovered that there are some cases where the death penalty was used that could not be described in any manner other than cruel and unusual. (Now, of course Wikipedia isn’t the most reliable source, but it’s a good place to start. I’ve been informed about numerous things thanks to Wikipedia!) Here’s some methods some states use/have used in the last 30 years :
1) Utah- Death by Firing Squad
It appears The Beehive State only banned this method in 2004!
2) Delaware – Death by Hanging
That’s right, folks. Hanging. The First State now uses lethal injection.
3) Alabama – Electric Chair
They used to call it Yellow Mama.
Electrocution, the gas chamber, lethal injection, hanging, and firing squads -- Which is most inhumane? This is a trick question. They're all inhumane!
I understand the whole eye-for-an eye thing. I get it. But is that really the best way to punish someone for committing a heinous crime? Let's think for a moment about death row inmates who welcome the idea of the death penalty.
Feast your eyes on this old Amnesty International letter to the Governor of Kentucky:
I appeal to you to grant clemency for Marco Allen Chapman. Mr. Chapman is scheduled to be executed on November 21st for the 2002 murder of two children in the Marksberry family. He is not appealing his death sentence. This would be the first execution in Kentucky for nearly a decade, the last being that of Eddie Harper who had also given up his appeals.
Upon arrest for the murders, Marco Chapman asked one of the police officers to shoot him in the head. Since that time he has consistently resisted all attempts by lawyers to represent him, in a clear effort to be put to death by the state of Kentucky as quickly as possible.I personally oppose the death penalty in all cases, but I am particularly concerned with the idea of an inmate “volunteering” to die. There have been 130 such “voluntary” executions in the U.S. since 1977. Any number of factors may contribute to a condemned inmate's decision not to pursue appeals, including mental disorder, physical illness, remorse, bravado, religious belief, a quest for notoriety, the severity of conditions of confinement, the bleak alternative of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole, or pessimism about appeal prospects. In some cases it appears that the detainee may have committed the crime in order to receive a death sentence.
Mr. Chapman seems to have been motivated by suicidal thoughts since the moment of his arrest, if not before. With cases like this, it is no wonder that the execution of “volunteers” is often compared to state-assisted suicide.
I am in no way excusing the crime in this case. I have tremendous sympathy for the family and friends of the Marksberry children and I am mindful of the pain and suffering that they have endured. I nonetheless strongly oppose the “volunteer” execution of Marco Allen Chapman.Governor Beshear, I urge you to demonstrate your respect for justice and human life by doing everything in your power to commute the death sentence of Marco Allen Chapman, and support a moratorium on executions in Kentucky. Thank you for your time and attention to this serious matter.”
Now what about executing inmates with mental disabilities? Or those that are not guilty?
I'm curious how everyone feels about capital punishment. It's not something that we discuss too often these days. I'll leave you with this:
Right to life
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. No one shall be condemned to the death penalty, or executed.
Chapter 1, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Quote of the Week
Christopher Joyce, NPR's "All Things Considered"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm going to fiddle around with it a little and report back to you...
Update: Still slow...
New White House Press Secretary

Robert Gibbs will be named the new White House Press Secretary by President-Elect Obama.
Update: Robert Gibbs is also a G. See below.
Anyone who lays the verbal smackdown on Sean Hannity is a friend of mine.
New White House Chief of Staff

I'm pretty excited. This guy is pretty gangster. I did a little research on him yesterday, and I'm fascinated with the thuggish-ness of this fellow. He curses people out on the phone. He sends people dead fish. He's got a character based off him on The West Wing. I love it! This is just the kind of guy President-Elect Obama is going to need in the White House. He's got experience, and goes through tremendous lengths to get what he wants -- while managing to avoid compromising his values (at least as it appears). Obama is bringing radical change to the White House, and to American politics in general, and I believe Rahm Emanuel is going to help usher in this change -- if only for two years.
Quote of the Week
"[I don't] just 'fit the description' of the perpetrator
anymore, now I 'fit the description' of the President."-My cousin Elliott, after having a police officer follow him for two miles
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I Loathe Sarah Palin
Upon a Google search of "hate monger", I came up with this.
The resemblance is uncanny. After reading the Wikipedia entry, I've come to the conclusion that Sarahpoleon is in fact a modern-day Hate Monger.
Since Sarah Palin entered the race, the Republican ticket has become increasingly divisive. Not that McCain was running a perfectly clean campaign before, but since Palin was haphazardly thrown into the race, the rallies have gotten more hateful. Do I think John McCain is a terrible person who probably condones the hateful, violent words of his hateful supporters? No. Do I think Sarah condones them? Perhaps. At the very least, she adds fuel from ANWAR to this fiery rage."As Hitler, the Hate Monger was also a cunning strategist and a charismatic leader, and able to incite fanatical loyalty to him through his rhetoric and persuasive personality."
When asked whether she thought those who bomb abortion clinics were terrorists by Brian Williams, Palin gave a disturbing response:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Quote of the Week
--Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
“I’m also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say … such things as, ‘Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.’ Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he’s a Christian. He’s always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer’s no, that’s not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president?”
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ignorance and Racism
Nonetheless, someone clearly ignorant made the following ignorant comment:
"Good Observation Benny Boy, but i want to remind people that Obama is more white than he is black( bi-racial ) in his thinking and upbringing. He barely knows his father and was raised by his white family, apart from his two children Obama does not have any black blood relative in America, but he still has white blood relatives here in America, my point here is during the primaries a lot of people where saying Obama is not black enough but black voters who have consistently voter for white presidential candidates will surely be more than proud to vote for Obama a biracial with no blood black relatives in America period"
This comment is just ignorant. What is "white" thinking or "black" thinking? What is a "white" upbringing? Please explain this to me. Obama has undoubtedly been discriminated against at some point or another in his life because of the color of his skin, not because of some superficial definition of what it means to be black. (And I'm sure the person who wrote that isn't black anyway.) It's disgusting how, in this society, we attempt to shame black males who DO succeed in a predominantly white culture, while we tell those young black males in prisons and on street corners, or just struggling in a minimum wage job that they need to "make something" of themselves. And for what? So they can be criticized as not being "black enough?"
Obama is setting a positive example for Black, White, Latino, Asian, and Native American boys and girls, men and women across this country. People need to stop trying to infuse their ignorance into this campaign. It's disgusting and it's time to make a change in thinking in this country.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Palin Has Multiple Personalities
Why does Palin always say "we", and it's never when she's referring to McCain? It's always when she's referring to herself...
Best Nicknames for Palin
My favorite thus far:
#1: Caribou Barbie
#2: Sarahpoleon (Probably for her Cheney-esque philosophy of what the VPOTUS' role in gov't is)
#3: Sarah Failin'
#4: Bible Spice
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Just a side note...
Way to go, Republicants...
The Failout Plan - Part Three - Voice of a Dissenter
“Is this the United States Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs?” Rep. Dennis Kucinich Rejects $700 Billion Bailout
(see The Failout Plan - Part Two - Who is the Secretary of the Treasury?)
Listen to and/or read what Rep. Kucinich (who voted against the bailout) had to say to about why he voted against this plan.
The Failout Plan - Part Three - What is "Corporate Socialism?"
By Ralph Nader
Thursday, July 18, 2002; Page A29
The relentless expansion of corporate control over our political economy has proven nearly immune to daily reporting by the mainstream media. Corporate crime, fraud and abuse have become like the weather; everyone is talking about the storm but no one seems able to do anything about it. This is largely because expected accountability mechanisms -- including boards of directors, outside accounting and law firms, bankers and brokers, state and federal regulatory agencies and legislatures -- are inert or complicit.
When, year after year, the established corporate watchdogs receive their profits or compensation directly or indirectly from the companies they are supposed to be watching, independent judgment fails, corruption increases and conflicts of interest grow among major CEOs and their cliques. Over time, these institutions, unwilling to reform themselves, strive to transfer the costs of their misdeeds and recklessness onto the larger citizenry. In so doing, big business is in the process of destroying the very capitalism that has provided it with a formidable ideological cover.
Consider the following assumptions of a capitalistic system:
1) Owners are supposed to control what they own. For a century, big business has split ownership (shareholders) from control, which is in the hands of the officers of the corporation and its rubber-stamp board of directors. Investors have been disenfranchised and told to sell their shares if they don't like the way management is running their business. Nowadays, with crooked accounting, inflated profits and self-dealing, it has proven difficult for even large investors to know the truth about their officious managers.
2) Under capitalism, businesses are supposed to sink or swim, which is still very true for small business. But larger industries and companies often have become "too big to fail" and demand that Uncle Sam serve as their all-purpose protector, providing a variety of public guarantees and emergency bailouts. Yes, some wildly looted companies that are expendable, such as Enron, cannot avail themselves of governmental salvation and do go bankrupt or are bought. By and large, however, in industry after industry where two or three companies dominate or presage a domino effect, Washington becomes their backstop.
3) Capitalism is supposed to exhibit a consensual freedom of contract -- a distinct advance over a feudal society. Yet the great majority of contracts for credit, insurance, software, housing, health, employment, products, repairs and other services are standard-form, printed contracts, presented on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. Going across the proverbial street to a competitor gets you the same contract. Every decade, these "contracts of adhesion," as the lawyers call them, become more intrusive and more insistent on taking away the buyers' constitutional rights to access to courts in favor of binding arbitration or stipulate outright surrender of basic rights and remedies. The courts are of little help in invalidating these impositions by what are essentially private corporate legislatures regulating millions of Americans.
4) Capitalism requires a framework of law and order: The rules of the economic game are to be conceived and enforced on the merits against mayhem, fraud, deception and predatory practices. Easily the most powerful influence over most government departments and agencies are the industries that receive the privileges and immunities, regulatory passes, exemptions, deductions and varied escapes from responsibility that regularly fill the business pages. Only those caught in positions of extreme dereliction ever have reason to expect more than a slap on the wrist for violating legal mandates.
5) Capitalist enterprises are expected to compete on an even playing field. Corporate lobbyists, starting with their abundant cash for political campaigns, have developed a "corporate state" where government lavishes subsidies, inflated contracts, guarantees and research and development and natural resources giveaways on big business -- while denying comparable benefits to individuals and family businesses. We have a government of big business, by big business and for big business, even if more of these businesses are nominally moving their state charters to Bermuda-like tax escapes.
"Corporate socialism" -- the privatization of profit and the socialization of risks and misconduct -- is displacing capitalist canons. This condition prevents an adaptable capitalism, served by equal justice under law, from delivering higher standards of living and enlarging its absorptive capacity for broader community and environmental values. Civic and political movements must call for a decent separation of corporation and state.
In 1938, in the midst of the Great Depression, Congress created the Temporary National Economic Committee to hold hearings around the country, recommend ways to deal with the concentration of economic power and promote a more just economy. World War II stopped this corporate reform momentum. We should not have to wait for a further deterioration from today's gross inequalities of wealth and income to launch a similar commission on the rampant corporatization of our country. At stake is whether civic values of our democratic society will prevail over invasive commercial values.
Ralph Nader is the founder of Public Citizen.
The Failout Plan - Part Two - Who is the Secretary of the Treasury?
President George W. Bush nominated Henry M. Paulson, Jr. to be the 74th Secretary of the Treasury on June 19, 2006. The United States Senate unanimously confirmed Paulson to the position on June 28, 2006 and he was sworn into office on July 10, 2006 by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. As Treasury Secretary, Paulson is the President's leading policy advisor on a broad range of domestic and international economic issues.
Before coming to Treasury, Paulson was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs since the firm’s initial public offering in 1999. He joined Goldman Sachs Chicago Office in 1974 and rose through the ranks holding several positions including, Managing Partner of the firm’s Chicago office, Co-head of the firm's investment Banking Division, President and Chief Operating Officer, and Co-Senior partner.
Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Paulson was a member of the White House Domestic Council, serving as Staff Assistant to the President from 1972 to 1973, and as Staff Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon from 1970 to 1972.
Paulson graduated from Dartmouth in 1968, where he majored in English, was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and an All Ivy, All East football player. He received an M.B.A. from Harvard in 1970. He and his wife, Wendy, have two children, Amanda and Merritt.
The Failout Plan - Part One
Text of Draft Proposal for Bailout Plan
Section 1. Short Title.
This Act may be cited as ____________________.
Sec. 2. Purchases of Mortgage-Related Assets.
(a) Authority to Purchase.--The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to make and fund commitments to purchase, on such terms and conditions as determined by the Secretary, mortgage-related assets from any financial institution having its headquarters in the United States.
(b) Necessary Actions.--The Secretary is authorized to take such actions as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the authorities in this Act, including, without limitation:
(1) appointing such employees as may be required to carry out the authorities in this Act and defining their duties;
(2) entering into contracts, including contracts for services authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to any other provision of law regarding public contracts;
(3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them;
(4) establishing vehicles that are authorized, subject to supervision by the Secretary, to purchase mortgage-related assets and issue obligations; and
(5) issuing such regulations and other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to define terms or carry out the authorities of this Act.
Sec. 3. Considerations.
In exercising the authorities granted in this Act, the Secretary shall take into consideration means for--
(1) providing stability or preventing disruption to the financial markets or banking system; and
(2) protecting the taxpayer.
Sec. 4. Reports to Congress.
Within three months of the first exercise of the authority granted in section 2(a), and semiannually thereafter, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on the Budget, Financial Services, and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committees on the Budget, Finance, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate with respect to the authorities exercised under this Act and the considerations required by section 3.
Sec. 5. Rights; Management; Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.
(a) Exercise of Rights.--The Secretary may, at any time, exercise any rights received in connection with mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act.
(b) Management of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary shall have authority to manage mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act, including revenues and portfolio risks therefrom.
(c) Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary may, at any time, upon terms and conditions and at prices determined by the Secretary, sell, or enter into securities loans, repurchase transactions or other financial transactions in regard to, any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act.
(d) Application of Sunset to Mortgage-Related Assets.--The authority of the Secretary to hold any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act before the termination date in section 9, or to purchase or fund the purchase of a mortgage-related asset under a commitment entered into before the termination date in section 9, is not subject to the provisions of section 9.
Sec. 6. Maximum Amount of Authorized Purchases.
The Secretary’s authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time
Sec. 7. Funding.
For the purpose of the authorities granted in this Act, and for the costs of administering those authorities, the Secretary may use the proceeds of the sale of any securities issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, are extended to include actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses. Any funds expended for actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses, shall be deemed appropriated at the time of such expenditure.
Sec. 8. Review.
Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.
Sec. 9. Termination of Authority.
The authorities under this Act, with the exception of authorities granted in sections 2(b)(5), 5 and 7, shall terminate two years from the date of enactment of this Act.
Sec. 10. Increase in Statutory Limit on the Public Debt.
Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $11,315,000,000,000.
Sec. 11. Credit Reform.
The costs of purchases of mortgage-related assets made under section 2(a) of this Act shall be determined as provided under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as applicable.
Sec. 12. Definitions.
For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Mortgage-Related Assets.--The term “mortgage-related assets” means residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated or issued on or before September 17, 2008.
(2) Secretary.--The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of the Treasury.
(3) United States.--The term “United States” means the States, territories, and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Another Disgusting Twist in the Palin Tail, er, Tale
What does Sarah Palin have against rape victims? Better yet, what does Sarah Palin have against women???
I'm so mad about this, I don't know where to start. I agree with the writer:
"In the absence of answers, speculation is bubbling in the blogosphere that Wasilla’s policy of billing rape victims may have something to do with Ms. Palin’s extreme opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape. Sexual-assault victims are typically offered an emergency contraception pill, which some people in the anti-choice camp wrongly equate with abortion."I wonder if Sarah Palin (we'll just call "her" Dexter for the time being) is one of those wackos who thinks that victims of rape "asked for it" or brought the crime upon themselves? He doesn't fancy the idea of abortion in the case of rape (or incest, for that matter), so I guess I can't say it comes as a complete shock that he would punish rape victims by making them pay for assistance in the investigation.
This line is equally disturbing:
"Mr. Croft further noted that right after his measure became law, Wasilla’s local paper reported that Ms. Palin’s handpicked police chief, Charlie Fannon, acknowledged the practice of billing to collect evidence for sexual-assault cases. He complained that the state was requiring the town to spend $5,000 to $14,000 a year to cover the costs. 'I just don’t want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer,' the chief explained."Hmm... interesting... Why not seek to prevent rape so that nobody has to suffer? How much rape is going on in this measly little town anyway?
Dexter is not depicting the people of Wasilla as the sharpest tools in the shed. They're not even in the shed at this point. They elected a nut job who tried to censor their libraries, essentially charged rape victims a fee for being raped, and deemed it prudent to install a tanning bed in the governor's mansion.
As this whole Dexter thing unravels, I wonder why he's still rearing his ugly head in public. Why haven't the McCain people wised up and realized that this lunatic is further damaging his campaign for presidency?
It's baffling.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Muppets + Presidential Debate = A Good Time
Quote of the Week
" . . . where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy. Um, helping, oh -- it's got to be all about job creation too. Shoring up our economy, and putting it back on the right track. So healthcare reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions, and tax relief for Americans, and trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, um, scary thing, but 1 in 5 jobs being created in the trade sector today. We've got to look at that as more opportunity. All of those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that."
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Good Blog
Do you think that the polls are lying? Are women REALLY switching over to McCrazy? I disagree... wholeheartedly.
Sorry... This one Might be the Best
In Need of a Muse...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quote of the Week
Here's just another reason why.
And here is the Quote of the Week:
He [Obama] finished with a dismissive comment about his opponents.
"These people."
My 100th Post!
You know, even though I've got this blog that doesn't get a lot of traffic, I can still use it for the greater good. I could have chosen to blog about a pet, entertainment news, partying, the list goes on, but instead I chose to focus on politics (for the most part).
When discussing politics, I think it's important to welcome opinions from both sides of the fence, and even from the cracks in between. Listening to other opinions helps to make for a stronger defense of your own opinion sometimes, and other times, it may open your eyes to a different way of thinking and may even alter your initial opinion.
So? Get to the point, you may be thinking now, or maybe even yelling out loud...
When the elections finally came, and I STILL hadn't received my absentee ballot, I was beyond peeved. I was furious. I watched in absolute horror as Chimpy took the election once again. I heard about all of the shenanigans that surrounded that election, including the purge of voter lists, random pull-overs by the police for Black voters headed to the polls, etc. It was one of the first times in my life that I realized that the good guy doesn't always win, or at least in this case, the lesser of two evils.
Even though I learned this tough life lesson, I still fight for the good guy. I still fight for my rights. I still believe in voting. I still believe in the political process.
When I read articles about how the voter lists are being purged yet again, I wonder when we are going to see the coverage this issue deserves. It doesn't matter if Sarah Palin is running if nobody is going to be voting anyway. We need to make sure this election is legit, for all of the college students out there voting for the first time, and for the sake of our country's image in the international arena.
I'm praying for you, America!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Holy Apocalypse Batman!
So, yeah. Pretty disturbing. I particularly love this quote from the article:
"You're talking about such incredible power inside both the accelerator and detectors that you never really know until you turn it all on what's going to happen," he said.How comforting! I can take a few guesses.
- I will turn to dust.
- You will turn to dust.
- The Earth will turn to dust.
I concur.
Really, is this what we're all about these days? Trying to disprove religion? Last time I checked, humans didn't exist immediately after this alleged Big Bang. What makes us think we'll exist after this loony experiment? Why don't we try to put more money into research that is actually pertinent these days. I dunno, things such as ending the genocide in Sudan (which people thought ended when the Olympics started), finding the cure for cancer, educating people on HIV/AIDS, not electing Republicans -- these are things that matter!
I'd like to see what others think. Comments?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Oh Hell Yes
Quote of the Week
There are no Republican "reformers." Just different flavors of crooks. This one just happens to be salmon jerky.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 that nobody's ever heard of with zero foreign policy experience an irregular heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed
Oh Hell No with a Splash of Oh Hell Yes
For starters, and for those of you who don't know, he officially just threw in the towel. Okay, maybe not officially, but basically. John McCain selected Sarah Palin, Alaska Repubeican, and moron as his running mate. What does this mean? Many things...
- McCain thinks all Hillary Clinton supporters are idiots and that they'll switch over because he has selected a woman. Yes, McCain. Feminists love beauty pageants and the beauty queens who win them. I suggest playing this up. I admit that I had my doubts about some of Hillary's supporters who said they'd vote for McCain to be vindictive bitches, but I didn't believe they were that dumb. Obviously McCain doesn't agree. I'll tell you one thing -- he's not going to sit there and insult my intelligence. Just because she's a woman, doesn't mean she's the one I'm going to vote for.
- All that talk about no experience for Obama? Um.... what about Palin's experience? McCain is old as balls, thus closer to death. How would Palin be able to fill his shoes? Now McCain is going to develop a new strategy. Something tells me the self-proclaimed "maverick" is not going to do anything the GOP mudslingers haven't done before...
- Palin just had a baby 5 months ago with Down Syndrome. That's a big time commitment. So is being VPOTUS. Can she juggle both? (Oh, BTW, this would be her 5th child.)
- Palin just stated LAST MONTH that she doesn't understand the purpose of the VP. Now, all of a sudden, on McCain's 9 millionth birthday, she does? Interesting...
- Joe Biden is going to rip Sarah "Barracuda" Palin (which, BTW, is the lamest nickname ever) a new one when they have the VP debates.
- What conservative male Republicans in the midwest are going to vote for a perty lady for VP?
- Palin is pro-life (AKA Anti-Choice).
- Obama is going to win. I am going to be happy. Whoomp, there it is...
- Palin hates polar bears, and thus, America. (Thanks, Mike!)
- The Goppers will continue to deny that global warming exists (Palin doesn't believe in global warming, like it's Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy).
- Palin's name is going to get dragged through the poop that has fallen out of McCain's diaper. Here's an article about her praising Obama's energy plan.
- Palin will have to explain how she has a tan when she lives in Alaska.
Friday, August 8, 2008
A True Must-Not See!!
I'm disappointed in everyone who reviewed the film.
And most of all, I'm disappointed in myself for wasting over 90 minutes of my life last night.
So last night, I had a lovely evening. Walked around Downtown Silver Spring. Went to dinner at Taste of Morocco. And to cap off what was a wonderful time, we headed to the AFI Silver Theatre (which, those of you who read my blog often enough might recognize as my favorite theater). I wasn't particularly interested in seeing Brideshead Revisited, and had read RAVING reviews about My Winnipeg. Little did we know that the powers that be in the film industry were about to play a wretched joke on us...
The movie started out quite dull. The narrator sounded less than enthused about the story he was telling, and seemed more enthusiastic about blabbering through the entire film about nonsense. Throughout the film, I kept telling myself "it's going to get better." I tried to stay alert through the entire film, that way, when the good stuff finally came, I wouldn't miss it (and I must admit that this was quite a daunting task after a glass of good Moroccan wine). I didn't fail. The director did.
I mean, honestly, there were a couple of funny parts of the film (when I say a couple, I literally mean TWO), but they were too close to the beginning of the film to keep anyone interested in the film.
The movie was flat out weird. When it ended, nobody left their seat. You could smell the confusion in the room. I just wanted to shout out "WHAT THE ****?!?!!" and I think the other people in the theater did as well.
When it was all said and done, I don't even know if I think the movie was bad. It was just weird. It was too weird to tell. Maybe the film went over my head, and the heads of everyone else in the theater. Maybe it was a ruse. Either way, it is definitely going down in my Top 5 Weirdest Movies (one of the weirdest was the one with Cameron Diaz and some other folks where they invited people over to dinner, killed them, buried them in the backyard, and grew tomatoes over their graves).
Has anyone else seen any weird movies lately? Or maybe movies worth watching? (The last movie I saw at the Silver Theatre was Mongol, and it was excellent!)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Oh Hell Yes!
Today, I heard a story about California's new moratorium, and I thought "wow. Those idiots over there have actually got something right this time!"
What's it about, you ask?
It's about this. It's about acknowledging something that has been a problem for some time now. Now that California is blocking new fast-food "restaurants"from poor neighborhoods, I would like to know what they are doing about the cost of healthier food alternatives, as well as previously existing fast-food restaurants.
According to the AP article, "The ordinance also makes it harder for existing fast-food restaurants to expand or remodel." Is that enough? In reading the article, I noticed that the moratorium is not indefinite, but thought that it was interesting that certain restaurants were exempted from this new policy-- Subway, El Pollo Loco, and Pastagina (which I've never heard of, yet sounds like some kinda kinky pasta fetish).
While expensive foods can often be healthier than the cheaper alternative, how many options do lower income families have when it comes to eating healthy? Many people assume that people know what is healthy, and what is not, but is this really a fair assumption? Many Americans do not realize that red meats are rough on your colon, among other things, and continue to eat them anyway. Some people think that sodas are okay to drink when you have completed rigorous exercise. Are we educated as a population on proper dieting? I think not.
What is important is that parents educate themselves for the benefit of their children. I found this quote to be on the ridiculous side (from the AP article):
"Rebeca Torres, a South Los Angeles mother of four, said she would welcome more dining choices, even if she had to pay a little more.'They should have better things for children,' she said. 'This fast food really fattens them up.'"
I don't think that fast food is the only thing to blame for the growing number of obese children in America. Exercise, a fundamental component of healthy living, is lacking in the majority of these children's everyday routines. Who is to blame for this? I'd say that the education system is at least partially to blame, as they continue to require more time for math and English/language arts classes, and less time for recess and gym class. The parents are also to blame, because they allow their children to spend hours upon hours playing video games, watching reality television, and watching videos on YouTube.
When are we as a society going to get our act together and realize that healthier people are happier people?
Turning Over a New Leaf
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obama's Message to Black Americans
This article from CNN's Cafferty File asks that very question. I do not feel that Obama is saying anything degrading. What he is saying is the truth. Aside from that imbecile Jesse Jackson, who disagrees? Who are the people who disagree with Bill Cosby when he makes similar statements?
When are we as AMERICANS going to stop blaming others for every single problem. There are plenty of problems that we can solve if we just take a look around our own homes and neighborhood and make the decision to change things-- to evolve.
I just get so irritated. I come from a family where my father's presence had an immediate impact on my upbringing. He was and IS a father --- not a sperm donor. My dad read me books, taught me how to ride a bike, cooked us dinner from time to time, and was a part of my life in every way imaginable. I realize that not every black father is the same way, but my father's actions should be considered the norm-- not the exception.
It's ironic that Jesse Jackson had something to say about this. He's the same sperm donor who had a love child. PLUS, he's a reverend. How holy.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Jesse Jackson Doubles as a Veterinarian
Rev. Jesse Jackson Unveils New Organization
"We cut ding-a-lings and many other things so that your puppy Buttercup don't get knocked up," said Jackson, amidst a series of hand gestures.
This announcement came just before Jackson declared that he would, in fact, neuter Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.
"I just want to cut his nuts off," said Jackson, while using his hands as make-believe scissors.
Sources close to Jackson state that Obama would not be the first politician the Cut Coalition CEO (Chief Erection Obliterator) offered his services to.
"I offered to handle McCain's train, Hillary's artillery, Reid's barbels and Gore's meat marbles," said a poetic Jackson.
Scissorhands had no comment; however, when asked about his role in the organization, he went over to a large potted plant and cut out the logo for the popular show "Nip/Tuck."
For more information on The Cut Coalition, visit
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
McCain... When Keepin' it Real Goes Wrong
Found this on the CNN Political Ticker:
At a Tuesday campaign event in Pennsylvania, a questioner referred to a recent survey that revealed cigarette exports to Iran rose significantly during the Bush administration. McCain replied jokingly, 'Maybe that's a way of killing them.'"
I hope that I've got some Chappelle Show fans here. Do you remember when he used to do those skits on his show?
'Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky
Living the "grown-up" life is not a very fun one. The most exciting thing that has happened to me is the receipt of the business cards that just arrived in my mailbox...
I know that I've been letting my readers down (all 5 of you), which is why I am vowing to blog more. There has been so much going on lately, and I've been wanting to write it all down, but, alas, I actually have had to do "real work" the last few weeks.
Things you've missed:
*I've traveled to Mass, ATL, NYC, and FL in the last month and a half (all driving, with the exception of West Palm).
*I've begun re-reading the biography of Che Guevara that I've been reading for the last 2 years.
*I've played massive amounts of volleyball in spurts.
*I've contemplated socialism.
*I still support Obama!
That about sums up my life over the last few weeks...
I figure while I'm on here, I might as well blog about one of the many things that pissed me off today...
Did any of you see this story?!?! Does the GOP never learn? They only seem to solidify my opinion of their assholedness (I'm a liberal. I can create new words if I want). What in the world does this accomplish? Does anyone find their little slogan funny? I'm not even going to entertain their ignorance by typing out the words they used. You'll just have to read the story about the jerks.
The Repubicans (no, I didn't forget the L) have no shame. They go to all sorts of desperate measures until they realize that many of their ads are offensive, and they are harming their popularity (or lack thereof) more than they are assisting it. Will they ever learn? I am guessing not. And neither will their media puppet--- FOX.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
While We're Loosening Bans and Restrictions, Allow Me to Loosen My Belt
Double you tee eff, America? Like, for real?
Much to my chagrin, the USSC, in all of their supremacy, decided to vote against the 32-year old gun ban in my city. And why? Because they're a bunch of jack-offs.
People in the District of Columbia are not hunting. Those who are, are certainly on "the list", or will simply be placed in straight jackets. Those in DC with guns who are using them for self-defense are using them against other Washingtonians with guns that are using them for self-defense, oh yeah, and those thugs who got their guns illegally (and will continue to do so). I understand that weaponry is a major industry in the United States, but it really doesn't have to be that way, does it? Look at the crime rate in the U.S. and compare it with other countries. The 2nd Amendment itself is quite outdated. I mean, how often do you hear the word "militia" in your everyday life?
Look what happens when people have free reign to just go out and get a gun the legal way. Hmmm... let's see... students go ballistic on campuses across the country, geese who are just minding their business get whacked, oh yeah, and politicians "accidentally" shoot other politicians.
Can you tell that I'm mildly irritated? The DC gun-ban, though not 100% effective, was a good thing, in my ever-so-humble opinion.
While we're on the issue of loosening things, let's talk about Bush and the DPRK. Bush will lift trade sanctions with Kim Jong-Il Na-Na but not Cuba? Perhaps Froomkin was right. Bush really is suffering from senioritis (rather than just a senior moment like his homeboy D.C.)
I realize that my posting has been quite inconsistent. I blame this mainly on laziness and on the fact that I have actually attempted to do quite a bit of researching the last few weeks.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Oh Hell No!
While driving to work this morning, trying to conserve gas the best way I know how, I was startled to hear about this shockingly stupid story on NPR:
The residents of a Romanian village voted in a dead man as their mayor Sunday, choosing him over his living opponent. The candidate died of liver disease shortly after voting began -- but still won by a margin of 23 votes.
Courtesy The Bryant Park Project Blog
WTF, Romania??!?!!
Yes, I could think of thousands of dead people I'd elect over Dubya, but would that be wise? Well... maybe that's not such a great example, but you know what I mean.
Who's the village idiot here? The guy who LOST???!?!?!?!?!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Big Yellow Forehead (continued)
The series continues...
Back in the Day...
I used to get teased quite a bit about the size of my forehead. Some of my classmates in middle school would tell me that I had a "Tyra Banks Forehead" (or fivehead, as they sometimes said). I could not tolerate Tyra Banks back in the 90s. I mean, I think she's God-awful now, but I really despised her back in the day. It was probably the result of being told that I had a massive cranium, just like her, the fact that she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, and the horrible hair weaves she would wear (I still maintain my theory that her forehead is so ginormous because of all the weaves she's worn over the years), all wrapped up into one.
When you have a larger-than-life forehead, people always want to touch it --- at least they do that to me (is that standard? must look into this...). It's like they think that it will give them some sort of magical powers, or that they can make a wish off of your forehead, or SOMETHING. The whole thing was always bizarre to me.
You see, big foreheads run in my family. I never realized that I had a big forehead until I got teased at school. It's just like how little kids don't know anything about race until you tell them about it. I didn't know my forehead wasn't perceived as normal because nobody had ever drawn attention to it.
Needless to say, the mean kids at my middle school really let me have it, and informed me that my forehead was gargantuan on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes, they didn't even call me my full name. They just called me "Forehead." How endearing.... (enter sarcastic smiley here)...
On the outside, I appeared to be a major wimp. I had this squeaky voice, I was all scrawny, and as I explained in the last post on this topic, I had no fashion sense whatsoever --- something crucial to the middle school existence. But don't get it twisted. (And also don't ask why I keep using slang today.) My dad and brother taught me how to fight like a boy. Someone should have told Jason Brown* that when were on the bus that one day in 7th grade...
Anyone who ever rode the bus as a middle schooler knows the horrors of the afternoon bus ride. Ridiculous things happen when you put a bunch of rowdy pubescent tweens on a bus together for 15 minutes. Kids expose themselves, pick fights, moon passerby, and throw miscellaneous objects.
One day, Jason Brown decided that it was time to pick on me to show off to all of his friends his joning skills. This was not uncommon in my suburban Maryland community. Unfortunately, I was the subject of this joning exercise, and the audience was a cruel one.
Jason was seated in front of me. He turned around, kneeling on his seat, facing me, and began to crack jokes about the size of my forehead. Thanks to instigation from the peanut gallery, the harassment worsened. He began calling me "Forehead" and proceeded to smack me in the forehead. How rude!"You'd better stop it!" I yelled at him. Of course this caused him to burst out in laughter.
"Or what?"Jason asked sardonically.
"Or else," I responded. (I don't even think that I was convinced this was a viable threat.)
Jason continued smacking me on the forehead and mocking me until we reached my bus stop. I remember feeling extremely angered -- a feeling that is rare to me even today (unless I'm watching a State of the Union Address by Dubya or listening to HRC "misremember" things). I knew that something was going to have to be done to Jason the next time he made fun of me in front of all of the kids I grew up with -- I just didn't know what I was going to do...**********************************************
The next day, on the way home, Jason and the instigators started on me again.
"Forehead! Forehead!" chuckled Jason as he repeatedly smacked me in the forehead.
"Stop it!" I yelled angrily, but he kept on. All of a sudden, I had an outer-body experience. I stood up, felt overcome with rage, looked at him, knew his mouth was moving, but heard nothing. I cocked my arm back, and socked him right in the lip. Somehow, I knew that my stop was approaching, so I grabbed my things, walked to the front of the bus, the doors opened, and I got out right at my stop. Needless to say, Jason Brown never teased me again. That day, everyone laughed at him for getting beaten up by a girl. Apparently, with that one forceful blow, I was able to maim him. I busted his lip, as well as his dignity.
***I don't want anyone to think that I'm condoning violence. But while I'm not condoning violence, I'm also not condoning the silent treatment or "pretend they're not there" BS either. Sometimes you gotta put your foot down and take names...***
Now I embrace my forehead. My big, beautiful, yellow forehead is just a small part of who I am. And that is precisely why I named my blog "Big Yellow Forehead."
If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then my forehead must be the garage.
*fictional name used to spare the dignity of this man
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Ominous Character That is Hillary Rodham Clinton
This was my original reaction to the article:
"Hillary Clinton might be a flying purple people eater, but she's no idiot. She knew exactly what she said and why she said it. As someone else noted, she's just mad that she got caught and that people aren't as dumb as she thinks. I'm so tired of hearing these whining, moaning, HRC supporters crying sexism. Hillary says something stupid, rational-thinking people don't fall for it, and all of a sudden the media is sexist. Give me a break! How about the racism that the HRC campaign has perpetuated since Day 1? Let's talk about that. Bringing up RFK's assassination was calculated. She meant exactly what you think she meant. What a heinous villain."
I knew that Hillary was a low-stooper, player hater, and a habitual line-stepper, but golly... The RFK assassination? Are you really waiting for an assassination to happen before you drop out of the race, Hillary?
I know that Hillary has no problem assisting the shit in hitting the fan, but come on. Have some pride, woman! Why would you even say something so horrible? I don't believe for one second that she didn't mean to allude to some sort of assassination during this presidential campaign season. It's horrible! That's all that I can say. Stop smoking that wacky tobacky, Hilary. Stop.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hmmm... Is He Old, Or Old As Hell?
Okay, so they released McCain's medical records, and I ask this: Who gives two shits? I know I don't.
The man is old as hell. Come on. "Healthy" for a 71-year old man is not the same as healthy for a 21-year old, is it? I have met plenty of 71-year olds, and read plenty of magazine articles about 80-year old marathon runners, but let's get real --this man is not one of them.
I'm not completely sold on the fact that McCain does NOT stuff his suit jackets. While watching SNL last weekend, it seemed fairly obvious to me that Old Man River had a stuffed suit jacket! Anybody want to go head-to-head with me on this one and try to argue otherwise?
You will lose! :-P
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Big Yellow Forehead
I've just realized that I never explained the name of this blog! Below is the beginning of a series of blogs to follow explaining the name of my blog...
Back in the Day...
When I was in elementary school, I was this sweet little thing (though mean sometimes, as all kids are). I had excellent grades, parents who were involved in everything from school to athletics to Girl Scouts. They knew my friends' parents, and got along quite well with them. My mom and dad were still married until late in my 3rd grade school year, so I always had cute little pigtails and coordinating barrettes.
Once my parents divorced, I turned into a real ragamuffin. I lived with my father, whom I love dearly, but who doesn't know very much about the hygiene of little girls. He didn't know how to do my hair correctly, so I was often left to my own devices, looking like a girl who lived with just her father and little brother (think 1990s LL Cool J commercial with his daughter). "My fingers are too big to braid your hair," my dad would say.
I had this wild hair. It was really thick, and incredibly wavy, but manageable under the right conditions. For some reason, only my mother was able to find these conditions. My father's girlfriends had no clue how to manage this wild hair. They put gel on it, the wrong barrettes in it, and called it a day. I knew that it was all wrong, but I didn't know how to fix it... but I still tried.
By middle school, I was not so sweet. I don't know too many middle schoolers who are! My grades started to slip from the straight A's of elementary school, I was lazy, and I was too wrapped up in pop culture. I was definitely boy crazy back then, and tried my darnedest to have them Alexis crazy. Unfortunately, this ploy failed on numerous occasions.
I was a big dork.
I should have been sentenced for life by the fashion police. I only got new shoes every two years, and the shoes I owned I wore EVERYWHERE. I had this pair of Adidas with the silver stripes and NO ankle support whatsoever for two years. Those were my favorite. They came with a matching key chain.
My father did not allow me to wear certain things to school. I was allowed to wear jeans (not the tight Parasuco's that were popular during that time), sneakers, and either a t-shirt or a sweatshirt/running jacket. Nothing more. Nothing less. God forbid I look like a 12-year old girl.Despite the fact that we were an athletic household, I was not allowed to wear any athletic clothes. This rule was enacted when I wore a club volleyball jersey and warm-up suit to school one day. Never again.
I recalled this story while I was working at Ann Taylor last weekend:

My grandfather bought me two sweat suits for Christmas one year. One was highlighter yellow, and the other was bright blue. They didn't have hoods. That would have been too much. I HATED hoods as a child (they're a staple of my "Day Off" wardrobe, the evolution of my "First Class of the Day After Volleyball Practice" wardrobe.
I also had this pair of Reebok Princesses (these and the Classics were the hottest shoes of 1997). My mom bought them for me for like $19.99, and I was so excited. I was going to wear these shoes into the ground, like the many pairs of shoes before them. I just knew I was so cool.
Anyway, shortly after receiving these sweat suits, I wore them to school, to show off my coordination. Matching bright yellow sweatpants and sweatshirt, I headed to school that morning, oblivious to the fashion sin I was committing. Fortunately, my lack of fashion sense was soon observed by my classmates.
This one really fat, gay, speech impeded kid jumped on the opportunity to make fun of me. "Look at you. You're bright yellow! Your skin, and your clothes!" He then proceeded to sing "Mr. Sun" (though it sounded like "Mith-ter Thun"), invoking laughter from all of my classmates. Talk about a hit to your ego! I was absolutely humiliated. He was 100% correct. I was so light-skinned during that time of the year that I looked jaundiced (as the doctors thought I was at birth--- true story). The sweat suit gave a true yellow effect, blinding the innocent passerby. Now, I don't get embarrassed very easily, but I'll tell you that I most definitely was on this occasion. Here I thought I looked so cute in an outfit that my grandfather bought for me, while my classmates thought that I looked like a royal, bright yellow anus.
The irony of it all. Me remembering my lack of fashion sense in the 90s while standing in Ann Taylor, advising people on what to wear to keep up with the times while wearing classic styles.
"The kindhearted part of me is relieved that Palin didn't look like a fool. Whatever your political inclinations, it's painful to watch someone humiliate herself on national TV. On the other hand, we have to be thoughtful voters who put the good of the country first. I'm one of those rare people who listen more to the thought conveyed than the style of presentation, and in this regard, I found Palin to exhibit the height of arrogance in refusing to answer questions put to her, moreso in being proud of it. She wants to regurgitate her talking points directly to the American people regardless of what they (we) are really looking for. Either she doesn't know the answer or she doesn't care, either way we have another George W. Bush.
Look at it this way. I'm not an accomplished journalist with a national TV show. I'm not Gwen Ifill. I couldn't be there to ask Biden and Palin my questions. But Gwen Ifill was there representing me. If Palin can't be bothered to answer Gwen Ifill's questions, why should I think she would answer mine or even care about me, one of the American people she supposedly wants to speak directly to? I think Palin's elitist attitude (I'm too good for your questions) bespeaks a serious character flaw and an unwillingness to face truth, again something we've seen in the current regime.
Compared to her arrogance, Palin's Afghanistan blunder didn't bother me nealy as much, though there once again was the boldface assertion of something contrary to fact. Is Palin just ignorant or is she determined to lie her way to the White House?
I have less to say about Biden, largely because I expected more of him, and he handily delivered. He got in the same sort of good punches Obama did in the first debate, hammering McCain was wrong, Obama or I was right, I haven't heard any difference between McCain and Bush. The most gut level connection I felt to either candidate was when Biden choked up talking about one of his sons. At that point I choked up too, and my heart said "this guy is like me." Biden is not some cartoon character playing folksy while spouting canned lines, he's one of us, a thoughtful guy who respects facts, seeks truth, and loves his family and country, though he also cared enough about us and our intelligence to prepare thoroughly for the debate."