Thursday, June 26, 2008

While We're Loosening Bans and Restrictions, Allow Me to Loosen My Belt

So I may urinate on the safety of this country...

Double you tee eff, America? Like, for real?

Much to my chagrin, the USSC, in all of their supremacy, decided to vote against the 32-year old gun ban in my city. And why? Because they're a bunch of jack-offs.

People in the District of Columbia are not hunting. Those who are, are certainly on "the list", or will simply be placed in straight jackets. Those in DC with guns who are using them for self-defense are using them against other Washingtonians with guns that are using them for self-defense, oh yeah, and those thugs who got their guns illegally (and will continue to do so). I understand that weaponry is a major industry in the United States, but it really doesn't have to be that way, does it? Look at the crime rate in the U.S. and compare it with other countries. The 2nd Amendment itself is quite outdated. I mean, how often do you hear the word "militia" in your everyday life?

Look what happens when people have free reign to just go out and get a gun the legal way. Hmmm... let's see... students go ballistic on campuses across the country, geese who are just minding their business get whacked, oh yeah, and politicians "accidentally" shoot other politicians.

Can you tell that I'm mildly irritated? The DC gun-ban, though not 100% effective, was a good thing, in my ever-so-humble opinion.


While we're on the issue of loosening things, let's talk about Bush and the DPRK. Bush will lift trade sanctions with Kim Jong-Il Na-Na but not Cuba? Perhaps Froomkin was right. Bush really is suffering from senioritis (rather than just a senior moment like his homeboy D.C.)


I realize that my posting has been quite inconsistent. I blame this mainly on laziness and on the fact that I have actually attempted to do quite a bit of researching the last few weeks.


Utah Savage said...

Ok, I'm completely off topic and admit I haven't even read this post, but I will. But I'm so excited that you have agreed to join in this project that I had to run over and give you a little follow up info.
When you have a rough draft email it to me--you can find that email address in my profile. Then we're off to the races. Have you read my story, The End Of Love? Murder can be a quite passive thing some times. I love your brave spirit.

Utah Savage said...

Fucking Scalia and the Oreo guy who harassed Anita Hill. And then the two Bush pecked the court with. I'm so sad they're all so young--those pricks will be there forever, moving us backwards.

Thinking up murderous stories where the woman gets away with it. Or at least really contemplates it.

Utah Savage said...

Do you realize we love the same movies. How is it that an old woman in Utah and a young woman in DC have the same taste in films?