Wednesday, July 9, 2008

'Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky

Wow. It has been a real whirlwind around here in the office. Finally, time to slack off and blog some more (and even write down the story that I've been carrying around in my head for the last two weeks for Utah)...

Living the "grown-up" life is not a very fun one. The most exciting thing that has happened to me is the receipt of the business cards that just arrived in my mailbox...

I know that I've been letting my readers down (all 5 of you), which is why I am vowing to blog more. There has been so much going on lately, and I've been wanting to write it all down, but, alas, I actually have had to do "real work" the last few weeks.


Things you've missed:

*I've traveled to Mass, ATL, NYC, and FL in the last month and a half (all driving, with the exception of West Palm).
*I've begun re-reading the biography of Che Guevara that I've been reading for the last 2 years.
*I've played massive amounts of volleyball in spurts.
*I've contemplated socialism.
*I still support Obama!

That about sums up my life over the last few weeks...


I figure while I'm on here, I might as well blog about one of the many things that pissed me off today...

Did any of you see this story?!?! Does the GOP never learn? They only seem to solidify my opinion of their assholedness (I'm a liberal. I can create new words if I want). What in the world does this accomplish? Does anyone find their little slogan funny? I'm not even going to entertain their ignorance by typing out the words they used. You'll just have to read the story about the jerks.

The Repubicans (no, I didn't forget the L) have no shame. They go to all sorts of desperate measures until they realize that many of their ads are offensive, and they are harming their popularity (or lack thereof) more than they are assisting it. Will they ever learn? I am guessing not. And neither will their media puppet--- FOX.

1 comment:

Yes We Can! said...

"I am vowing to blog more."

Yay! We want more forehead (and cowbell)!