Announcer: "Barack Obama wins the Wisconsin primary with 58% of the votes. Clinton lost by nearly 200,000 votes."
Hillary: extends right hand to Obama
Obama: reaches out to shake Hillary's hand
Hillary: quickly moves right hand up to the side of her head, as if adjusting fly-away hairs. "Sike."
One thing that political pundits seem to have left out of their analysis of Hillary Clinton is the fact that she's a player hater- a shocking fact considering that she is married to one of the most notorious players in presidential history (next to Thomas Jefferson circa Sally Hemmings).

In CNN's Political Ticker blog, CNN's Political Producer Peter Hamby posted on Feb. 12 solid evidence that Clinton is not only a playa' hata', but also a sore loser.
"For the second election night in a row, Hillary Clinton failed to acknowledge or congratulate Barack Obama after he won the day in dominating fashion...The courtesy of conceding a primary or caucus loss — and then congratulating your opponent — is by no means required. But it has become standard practice during campaign season.
Clinton congratulated Obama and John Edwards after their first and second place finishes in the Iowa caucuses. Obama returned the favor in New Hampshire, saying Clinton “did an outstanding job.” That courtesy continued through the early states.
But as the race has shifted to a delegate chase with dozens of states in play around the country, the notion of congratulating one’s opponent seems, for Clinton, to have fallen by the wayside."
I'm not sure if it's because she's still in denial or what, but that's just inconsiderate. She should take it like a man. Oh, wait...
Tony Kornheiser gave an interesting analysis this morning during his show on Washington Post Radio regarding the way Obama continues to win over supposed Hillary Clinton supporters. I think it's fairly obvious at this point that Hillary is living in some kind of fantasy world where you don't have to visit the people you want to vote for you, you don't have to congratulate or say "good game" to your opponent (regardless the results), and you can assume that you are going to win the female, senior citizen, and Latino vote, just 'cause. Of course she's not going to win the votes of these people if she's not demonstrating that she actually wants their votes. She has been bypassing states like they don't matter, and at this point, every state, and every vote, matters.
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