Friday, February 8, 2008

Money Bags, er, Hillary Clinton

Hillary contributed $5M to her campaign late last month. 5 MILLION DOLLARS! Yesterday morning, I wondered if anyone else was concerned by how much money she was magically able to contribute (to her own campaign, mind you) at the drop of a hat. Fortunately, Barack Obama hinted at the idea of The Five Million-Dollar-Baby Clinton delivering some financial statements, as he and his wife Michelle have already volunteered to do.

Senator Obama reminds me a little of Robin Williams’ character in Man of the Year. In this article, he says that he has nothing to hide. (Of course Williams’ secrets were much more comical.)

Out of curiosity: If you were running for president, would you contribute as much money as possible to ensuring a victory? And if so, would you wait this long to do so?

When I ran for secretary of my high school graduating class, I printed out hundreds of copies of VOTE FOR ME paraphernalia, and spent countless hours hole-punching and making posters. I spent money at Office Depot buying colored paper and the like. I didn’t wait until the week before elections to get my name out there. I made sure that I spread the word ASAP! I don’t know. This whole “watch me pull five million dollars out of my hat” magic trick does not impress me; instead, it makes me ever more skeptical of the FORMER first lady.

Let me just add another thing about Mrs. Clinton while I’m at it. I’m tired of seeing her stupid supporters waving their stupid Hillary flags at the Silver Spring Station!

Does it bother anyone else that she is the only candidate that is using her first name in her campaign? I don’t recall seeing any “Vote for Mitt” or “John for Prez” banners (though I did hear about the “Barack the Vote” slogan some time ago). Sorry. Had to rant.

FYI, Steve Harvey did a hilarious bit about what “Mitt” was short for. “Is Mitt short for Mitten? I’m not voting for someone whose name is MITTEN!”

1 comment:

Vigilante said...


Obama is the one to put America BARACK on track?