I love reading Eugene Robinson's articles in the WAPO. They're insightful and oftentimes hilarious. In this article from last week (hey, I'm trying to play catch-up here), he discusses the male Clinton's allegations that the American media is vilifying his "wife," while glorifying Barack Obama.
In "The Clintons' Beef With the Media," Robinson writes,
"'The political press has avowedly played a role in this election. I've never seen this before,' the former president said. 'They've been active participants in this election. . . . But I don't want to talk about the press. I want to talk about the people. That's what's wrong with this election, people trying to take this election away from the people.'
Somewhere in there, if I'm not mistaken, he acknowledged that journalists are people, too, so I guess I should be thankful for that. And I should note that throughout the interview with Washington's WMAL, Bill Clinton was back in loose-cannon mode. He said Hillary Clinton 'has been the underdog ever since Iowa,' which is not true. To support that unsupportable assertion, he implied that the political establishment is opposed to his wife's candidacy, which is not true. And he claimed that 'we've gotten plenty of delegates on a shoestring,' which is true only if you don't count the more than $100 million the Clinton campaign has raised (and mostly spent)."
I have to agree with Robinson, once again. When did Billary become "the underdog?" And who decided that the pol. establishment doesn't support her? And furthermore, who decided that they wanted to hear them b****ing and moaning again (oh, wait, was that sexist?)?
Done with playing catch-up, I think now is the appropriate time to discuss an issue on the cover of today's national papers: Clinton on Obama, Round 3,000.
Okay, so despite the outcome of the last round's bout with Obama that resulted in Bill becoming a total prick in the eyes of the American public and Billary losing several states, the Billary campaign squad (with a handful of substitutes from the last round) decided that it's in their best interest to badmouth Obama for more votes, once again.
Do these people never learn? Give me a flipping break! Now Hillary is accusing Obama of plagiarism and lacking substance. Bah humbug. Maybe she wants Obama to beat her...?
I totally agree with you on Robinson. I just discovered him!
I love his work. I gotta try to track him down at a NABJ conference or something!
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