So I watched the debate last night, and I must say that Hillary is no MASTeRdeBATeR...
I'm going to write this blog in bits and pieces throughout the work day until I am finished, because I have a lot to say about last night's debate.
Let me start by saying that Hillary completely offended me at one in particular, and irritated me for the remaining hour and 20 minutes. And here's why:
Hillary said of 20-somethings without insurance (from the NYT transcript of the Cleveland debate):
SEN. CLINTON: About 20 percent of -- about 20 percent of the people who are uninsured have the means to buy insurance. They're often young people --
MR. WILLIAMS: Senator --
SEN. CLINTON: -- who think they're immortal --
SEN. OBAMA: Which is why I cover them.
SEN. CLINTON: -- except when the illness or the accident strikes. And what Senator Obama has said, that then, once you get to the hospital, you'll be forced to buy insurance, I don't think that's a good idea. We ought to plan for it --
SEN. OBAMA: With respect --
SEN. CLINTON: -- and we ought to make sure we cover everyone.
That is the only way to get to universal health care coverage.
SEN. OBAMA: With respect --
SEN. CLINTON: That is what I've worked for for 15 years --
SEN. OBAMA: With respect --
SEN. CLINTON: -- and I believe that we can achieve it. But if we don't even have a plan to get there, and we start out by leaving people, you'll never ever control costs, improve quality, and cover everyone.
SEN. OBAMA: With respect to the young people, my plan specifically says that up until the age of 25 you will be able to be covered under your parents' insurance plan, so that cohort that Senator Clinton is talking about will, in fact, have coverage.
I have four words for Clinton: Oh no she di'n't.
I WISH I could afford health insurance. I would love to have insurance! Who thinks they're "immortal," aside from the Wicked Witch herself? It's unfair to say that 20-somethings can afford insurance, and it's unrealistic. Most recent college graduates I know start out in debt, so how could they afford expensive insurance?
Let's see... get my credit straight and pay off my thousands of dollars worth of loans to ensure a financially secure future, or buy insurance that I may or may not need at this very moment, while my loans continue to accrue interest?
Plus, we're unable to stay on our parents' insurance (assuming our parents have insurance) without our parents paying a steep fee. And who is she to say what is affordable? Affordable to her is a $5M "loan." Does Chelsea even pay for her own insurance?
The whole Louis Farrakhan thing is a joke. I

Interesting analyses:
The Atlantic
Real Clear Politics (TIME)
Howard Kurtz (WAPO)
very unfair analysis of the sanator, but then thats your opinion, i remember a few years back everyone was for her, but when that sweet talker comes along, the clintons become public enemy number one, so so unfair.
I actually thought Hill looked pretty good last night. New doo and make-up maybe.....
I wasn't all for Hillary back then. I was disappointed.
I am an Obama supporter and make no secret of it but I do think he did better, albeit slightly better, than Hillary in the debate. Only March 4th will tell us just how much better, if people even think about those things. If you remember Dubya did terribly in the debates and still won a second term.
Great analysis!
You make some excellent points here!
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