I'm not angry with Barack Obama, and I consider myself to be quite liberal. Who I am angry with is Jeremiah Wright. Seriously... wtf, bro? Did the Republicans hire him to ensure that Obama does not get the Democratic nomination?? If Barack hasn't cut off all ties with him at this point, I suggest he do so immediately before this guy really goes apeshit.
As a Black woman, I have spent time around men like Jeremiah Wright. You know -- those angry old black men whose opinions are wholly outdated. Initially, you try to argue with them. This doesn't always work, since many of these old men lack reasoning in their old age. Then, you try to ignore them. This doesn't work because they only talk louder, maybe start using more profanity, and then start offending people. What comes next? I dunno. Maybe you don't allow your kids around them, or you send them to a home -- who knows? What I do know is that Obama needs to come up with a plan, soon, because this man is crapping all over his campaign.
Obama still has a shot to win the nom. I think that he'll take NC by a large margin (unless something really crappy comes along), and that he will probably win Indiana, though by a smaller margin. I think the biggest problem with Obama that sticks out in people's minds are that he's this angry black man, surrounded by even angrier, old black men, and that he hates White people and Jews. Jeremiah Wright only aided in this false perception of Obama for representing just that. Look, mainstream media, and Main Street, America cannot handle men like this. They're not used to it. They find men like Wright threatening, even despite the fact that there are angry old men of every race living in this country -- heck, there are "organizations" filled with them. Why does Wright get so much more media attention than other angry, offensive, racist old men? You be the judge of that.
Eugene Robinson's article on this very topic speaks to my very opinion of the situation. Jeremiah Wright needs to stop misrepresenting the Black Church and thinking that he speaks for everyone. He certainly doesn't speak for me.
This is my favorite part of the article:
"Historically and theologically, he was inflating his importance in a pride-goeth-before-the-fall kind of way. Politically, by surfacing now, he was throwing Barack Obama under the bus.
Sadly, it's time for Obama to return the favor."
Jeremiah Wright is a contradiction indeed. Some of the things he says agree completely with some of the things I have said. We differ when it comes to the way we say them, and who we sacrifice when placed in a position where words can affect history. All of a sudden the reverend has found himself the center of attention. He is being led to believe that America really gives a shit about what he says. Well, there are a few: the delighted Repugnants and the embarrassed Democrats. He needs to be muzzled or Barack needs to pull an Andrew Shepherd.
I wrote my own couple of pieces on the Right Rev and then, Hallelujah! Barack gave a press conference.
I hope I haven't missed the point of your post. There was something about young people and MTV or Yahoo? Not a source for me. I'm too damned old. But not too old to appreciate you, smart one.
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