Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Topic to Discuss...

Listening to Democracy Now on the radio this morning, I listened in to the writer of this article. Fascinating, disturbing, and mostly more disturbing, Philippe Sands described the Bush Administration's role in what most people across the world would describe as war crimes.

More discussion on this topic to follow...


Utah Savage said...

Yes. They are guilty of War Crimes. Unequivocally, yes.

Utah Savage said...

God what is wrong with people. Only three or four women are writing anything of real interest and you are one among them. So, since I have you to myself, I'd like to ask your opinion of my take on that evil Mattel invention, Barbie. I've just posted the first piece I wrote about the big chested one, called Aging Barbie Takes On EST. The second piece I posted first and is way down the archived posts. I prize you comments. But mostly you are a woman of the barbie generation. I'd like a young woman's perspective.

As always, it's a pleasure dropping by.

Utah Savage said...

Well, I read the Vanity Fair article again, and again I sit here crying. When is this going to end? My god how ashamed of ourselves we should be. Thank you for continuing to say the important things that need to be said. Me, I sit and type imaginary stories to amuse and distract myself. It makes me ashamed to admit this frivolity.