Monday, April 28, 2008

Can You Smell What Barack is Cookin'?

Yikes! After being threatened to blog more, I reckon I have no other choice but to do so...

Has anybody else taken notice of the way the media has shifted from being Obamites to Hillarytards? Everything I read now about Hillary is positive. Hillary can beat McCain (my ass she can). Hillary is in the lead (uh, no?). Hillary is God's gift to mankind (riiight). Geez Louise. Can Obama get a little love? Now, as a former journalist, I am going to go out a limb here and say that, perhaps, the media should be objective. Why do they want her to win so badly?

Seems like around the time of the Philly debate, the media shifted it's focus to the Wicked Witch of the West Wing. Could it because they thought that maybe Barack really did have a chance to win, and they were feeling pressure to squash those chances. It's like they hyped him up, and now, all of sudden, its like "wait. We can't really have him as President. Hmm... guess it's time to join team HRC."

Does anyone else feel the same way?

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