Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh Hell Yes!

With all of the frustration I endured yesterday, I decided to be optimistic today, calling today's blog "Oh Hell Yes", as opposed to "Oh Hell No"...

As I'm sure you all have heard, Edwards FINALLY endorsed Obama. Of course, this would have been better if he had done so just before the PA primary, but, heck, this is still pretty flipping sweet.

I think that it would not be too much to imagine Edwards as Obama's running mate. Edwards speaks to the common man, and more importantly, the common WHITE man. We have to be realistic here and admit that there is still quite a bit of racism in this glorious country. Those hillbillies in West VA and elsewhere are much more likely to vote for Obama with Edwards as his running mate because he allays some of their fears. In the Ideal America, I would have loved to have seen a blind Native American running with a deaf albino, but we have to get real -- that ain't happening in MY lifetime.

I never really disliked Edwards. Did I think he was bland? Yes. How could I not? Do I think he's more interesting than Billary? Perhaps. But I can sit here today and admit that I like him more than her. Heck, I am inclined to like McCain sometimes more than her. Especially after his trip to The Daily Show.

We'll see what effect this has on the weeks to follow, but I predict Hillary trying to duck out and save face. Seems like she's already got those wheels in motion.


Utah Savage said...

I'm really trying to listen now, so I read your post again, and I stick with what I said before, only more so. You have a point of view, an original take, an authentic voice. I love your brain. Don't stop now.

Utah Savage said...

And while I'm at it, come visiting, get out and about. We need your take on all that's going on in this heinous political season. Come join in the discussion.

Utah Savage said...

It was so good to see you at my place yesterday. Glad I didn't offend you. I tried to get everbody, so no one felt left out.