Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh Hell No with a Splash of Oh Hell Yes

I know that I'm going all out of chronological order here, but I must say that John McCain, Arizona Repulsican, and older brother of Methuselah is a certifiable dumb ass...

For starters, and for those of you who don't know, he officially just threw in the towel. Okay, maybe not officially, but basically. John McCain selected Sarah Palin, Alaska Repubeican, and moron as his running mate. What does this mean? Many things...

  1. McCain thinks all Hillary Clinton supporters are idiots and that they'll switch over because he has selected a woman. Yes, McCain. Feminists love beauty pageants and the beauty queens who win them. I suggest playing this up. I admit that I had my doubts about some of Hillary's supporters who said they'd vote for McCain to be vindictive bitches, but I didn't believe they were that dumb. Obviously McCain doesn't agree. I'll tell you one thing -- he's not going to sit there and insult my intelligence. Just because she's a woman, doesn't mean she's the one I'm going to vote for.
  2. All that talk about no experience for Obama? Um.... what about Palin's experience? McCain is old as balls, thus closer to death. How would Palin be able to fill his shoes? Now McCain is going to develop a new strategy. Something tells me the self-proclaimed "maverick" is not going to do anything the GOP mudslingers haven't done before...
  3. Palin just had a baby 5 months ago with Down Syndrome. That's a big time commitment. So is being VPOTUS. Can she juggle both? (Oh, BTW, this would be her 5th child.)
  4. Palin just stated LAST MONTH that she doesn't understand the purpose of the VP. Now, all of a sudden, on McCain's 9 millionth birthday, she does? Interesting...
  5. Joe Biden is going to rip Sarah "Barracuda" Palin (which, BTW, is the lamest nickname ever) a new one when they have the VP debates.
  6. What conservative male Republicans in the midwest are going to vote for a perty lady for VP?
  7. Palin is pro-life (AKA Anti-Choice).
  8. Obama is going to win. I am going to be happy. Whoomp, there it is...
  9. Palin hates polar bears, and thus, America. (Thanks, Mike!)
  10. The Goppers will continue to deny that global warming exists (Palin doesn't believe in global warming, like it's Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy).
  11. Palin's name is going to get dragged through the poop that has fallen out of McCain's diaper. Here's an article about her praising Obama's energy plan.
  12. Palin will have to explain how she has a tan when she lives in Alaska.
I'll probably add more to this list because I'm just irritated... Irritated that McCain isn't even trying at this point. Maybe he wants Obama to win? I know I do! Si se puede!


Kentucky Rain said...

Palin is a lifelong member of the NRA. As governor she authorized and supported the aerial gunning of wolves and wants to do the same for Alaska's bears. Speaking of bears she is opposed to placing them on the endangered list because of the melting ice caps. She does not believe in the science of global warming and is said to be to the right of Dick Cheney.

Big Yellow Forehead said...

Great! More confirmation of her crapulence! Thanks Mike, for always contributing to the dialogue!